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Maca root

Maca-root in glas

The La Maca is a cultivated plant of the Incas - it has been used by the inhabitants of Peru as a valuable food since 700 BC, and its characteristics as a vitalizing natural good are highly appreciated.

When burning as incense, it serves as support to strengthen and build up our physical and subtle body, and our aura.

It helps us achieve our goals and visions by increasing our stamina.

It is best to burn this incense mixture with our variable fragrance and incense burner in the fragrance position - burning sieve on top. Then the full fragrance unfolds, just like in aromatherapy - without smoke.

Content 20 grams:
Maca root (Lepidium peruvianum Chacón)

(The content is only for burning incense, not for consumption.
Keep away from children.)

Here you can order the "Maca root" in our shop.

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